

Toyota To the Moon  |  direction, animation, design


All 8-bit characters and elements were initially designed and animated in photoshop, on a very tiny canvas. After the designs and keyframes were stabilished, everything was transfered into After Effects for compositing.


Since live-action footage was out of the equation due to a tight timeline, photographs were used as plates for the shots. In order to get the desired result, a lot of editing was done. 





Client: Toyota
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
ECD: Helen Pak, Brian Sheppard
AD / CW: Rachel Kennedy / Shauna Roe
Agency Producers: Michelle Orlando, Matt Shipp

Production Company: Tendril Design + Animation
Direction and Animation: Leo Mateus, Luis Campos
Creative Directors: Chris Bahry, Alexandre Torres
Executive Producer: Kate Bate
Producer: Anne Deslauriers

Music, Sound Design, Voice Casting: BoomBox Sound
Opening, ending sequence: Fluorescent Hill